So I know I always start my blogs by saying I'll try harder to blog more... but let's face it... I'm horrible! I have been so preoccupied with so many different things since - well, frankly, July 2011... that I have not taken the time to blog!
Just an update for anyone interested... :)
Our little guy is now a huge 2 year old! Going on 2 1/2 already. I'm not sure where that time has gone. In fact, I don't know where the time from July 2011 to now has gone! Life has become a whirlwind of activity and I'd love for it to slow it's pace just a bit. Unfortunately, I know it won't get slower. I totally understand the whole "life is a vapor" verse... because, I'm living it personally. In fact, I think everyone is. Younger people just don't notice it until they get older. :)
Josh is still welding, though, he's very interested in firefighting. We're praying that the Lord would direct us the way we are to go... but I wonder if the Lord might have that in Josh's future. It would be scary for me, but it's only because I'm not trusting the sovereignty of God enough.
I'm working at the Marriott in town and I enjoy it very much. I had sprained my back and had to quit being a waitress. This job is more enjoyable and I get far more perks with it! We've stayed in so many Marriott hotels for a crazy good price the last few months, I'm starting to get spoiled!
I am also teaching again this semester. Keeping busy, to say the least!
Just recently, Josh and I have changed a huge part of our lives... We left a church we had been attending and now are going to Wausau Alliance Church... A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! We have both been SO refreshed and renewed in our walk with the Lord! We can't wait to start ministering in that church, but for now, we are just soaking in all the Biblical wisdom we can glean. It has been such a blessing to us! The worst part for me is working at a hotel does require some weekend shifts and usually Wednesday nights... so I don't get to go to every service as I would desire... but we'll see. Thankfully, the church has many different studies and services through the week that I can involve myself in! There is a lady's Bible study on Tuesday mornings, and another Bible study on another night (don't know much about that one yet cause we haven't been to it). Anyways, you know in Psalm where David begs God, "Restore unto me the Joy of thy Salvation" --- we'll I'm feeling it and I'm so overjoyed with... well, JOY! :)
I know this is short... but little man is asleep and I've got to get a few things done before I head to work this after noon. Praise God - I have the weekend off!
Until next time... I'm not making any promises of when that will be! :)
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