Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!


Friday, May 13, 2011

A Late Night Dack Original...

My blog was down all day... so I'm only able to post this now... wrote it last night...

Can't Sleep.
No clue why.
Wrote a poem.
Probably terrible:

Husband snoring
Night is Boring
Wish it was raining
so I could hear it pouring.
What's going on
Can't sleep a wink.
Better get some shut-eye
sun will be up b4 I blink
Can't stop my brain
Twirling all these thoughts
Man oh man
This really rots
Writing some words
Not helping much
Keeping me awake
On my iPod touch
What's there to do
Can't close my eyes
Time to go to sleep but
My body don't recognize!
Wish I was tired
Wish I was drowsy
These anti-inflammatories
Make me feel lousy!
The fan finally blowing
So glad it's not snowing
Must get to sleep
B4 the roosters start crowing
Gonna try again
Hoping for some Z's
Can someone just knock me out
Pretty  Pretty Please?

By Dackmum
Created way too late on a Thursday night.
By the way, literary license was taken while writing. If someone knocks me out, this poem does NOT "okay" it in a court of law. Disclaimer: I DO NOT WANT ANYONE TO KNOCK ME OUT. It is not okay. It would make me sad... and I would probably cry (once I gained consciousness).
Also, husband wasn't actually snoring... Just had to find a rhyming word with boring. That came to mind.
Good night.
Dack Mum <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My E-Mealz Blurb...

So I sprained my lower back. I went to the chiropractor on Monday and he adjusted my back to the point where I could actually stand up straight without having to walk hunched over, crippled in pain. However, because it is sprained, the swelling will continue, and he will need to continue adjusting my back. I am not quite in as much pain as before, but I still can not lift, turn fast, or even walk properly still. The chiropractor says it will take about 4 months to heal completely, but I should be off work (from serving) till Monday (at least) which, then, I will have a reevaluation and see how things are going. All I can say is... ouch.
I am still very much in pain, but it will get better. What "pains" me the most is the fact that I can not lift AJ in and out of his crib properly, put him in his high chair without nearly collapsing, and can not do much house work (laundry is in the basement... can't go up and down that flight of stairs), etc... However, I have still been able to make some meals. I can only stand for a short while, but it's enough time for me to do what I need to do... I blame E-Mealz for that. I'm not getting paid for this blurb about them... it's just a personal recommendation. Each week I have 5 nights worth of meals figured out for me, and a shopping list all ready to go (with an estimated cost of the needed ingredients). It will cost $12.50 for 3 months if you put in the Coupon Code: DAVE. I have included a banner link at the top of my blog because it is worth sharing with others. You can get a family size meal plan or they have meal plans for a family of 2 (which always feeds me, Josh, and AJ... and then Josh's lunch for the next day)... I have two different meal plans for variety because I can pick and choose if I don't like a particular meal (which is INCREDIBLY rare). We have been so surprised with how delicious these meals are. You can go on their website and see a sample meal plan.
It's an incredible blessing to still be able to do at least something for my family even though my back can barely support me. If you live in the U.S. --- you really really should do this!
If you sign up and are confused... leave a comment and I'll help in any way I can! This is a great online help and I know you'll love it if you try it!

Painfully signing off...
Dackmum <3